This week we learn some foundational truth about being a Christian, about being adopted into a blessed family. The struggles with the law and the benefits of the Old Testament and itsRead More…
7. Superiority of the Gospel
The sixty verses that make up Galatians 3 and 4 are some of the strongest writing that Paul ever penned. But, after all, he was in a battle! He was out toRead More…
6. Christ in Us
Last week we learned about Paul’s passion for sharing the Gospel with the Gentiles (non-Jews) was acknowledged and accepted. There was a recognition that Paul’s passion to serve the Gentiles was authenticRead More…
5. Divison to Unity
After Paul’s greetings to the people of Galatia, Paul describes a meeting that happen. This week we begin to realize why this meeting was important, not only to the people involved inRead More…
4. Astonishing Good News
As we continue our sessions in the book of Galatians, we continue to learn more about the young Christians in Asia Minor and the broken-hearted Apostle Paul. Last session we read throughRead More…
3. Greetings like no Other
We have learned a bit about the culture and the first missionary journey of Paul into Asia Minor, now referred to as Galatia. For previous sessions, please refer to the Session Outline. Read More…
2. Engagement begins
After learning about the region last week, we engage with the group as the visit the region on what is known as “Paul’s first missionary journey”, but there is a lot moreRead More…
1. Defining Galatia
We read a lot about Paul traveling around and sharing the Good News; we hear of many different people that were with Paul. He seems to be all over the place andRead More…
8. Counting the Cost
Over the past 7 sessions we have learned a lot about the Kingdom of Heaven and what it is like. We grasp the reality of the challenges and also the blessings. TheRead More…
7. The Good Fig Tree
As we continue in the parables about the Kingdom of Heaven, we continue to learn about parables and allegories, this week is no exception. The parable of the Good Fig Tree isRead More…