
Job 42:7-17

We finish out the study of the book of Job today with the final session from Francis Chan on chapter 42 SESSION GOALS Every session has specific goals—things you want your groupRead More…


Job 40:1–42:6

During this session we will continue through our study of Job with Francis Chan with the RightNowMedia video. SESSION GOALS Every session has specific goals—things you want your group to walk awayRead More…


Job 38-40

This session we continue our study with Francis Chan through the book of Job, with his RightNowMedia bible study. This week we cover chapters 38-40. Main Idea: The correct response to God’sRead More…


Job 32-37

We continue our study of Job with Francis Chan and RightNowMedia. Today we get an overview of chapters 32-37. In every session we have a few goals.. Main Idea: When we counselRead More…


Job 4–31

This session we will continue our study of the book of Job with Francis Chan, utilizing the RightNowMedia resources. Every session has specific goals—things we want to walk away knowing, feeling, andRead More…


Job 3:1–26

We continue this week with the RightNowMedia session with Francis Chan, in the study of Job. Today we have some key points to face: Main Idea: Our faith allows us to grieveRead More…


Job 2:1–13

In this session we continue into chapter 2 of Job, with Francis Chan and the RightNowMedia study. This weeks goals are… To know the way we respond to suffering reveals our viewRead More…


Job 1:1-22

In this session we start the study of the Old Testament book of Job. We will use the Video teaching of Francis Chan on RightNowMedia. You can still use the study withoutRead More…