We continue this week through the Faith Foundations series by David Platt, utilizing RightNowMedia. This session we go through session 2 where we learn about the Spirit-Empowered Life.


Every session has a point—what each participant should walk away from the discussion knowing, feeling, and doing.
Main Idea: The Holy Spirit empowers us to live out the purposes for which God created us, changing our desires to better reflect his as we mature.
Head Change: To know that the Christian life is not a set of moral rules but a relationship with God.
Heart Change: To feel motivated to pursue God not out of guilt but because of our love for him.
Life Change: To listen to and obey the Spirit as he works to make us more like Jesus.

What is one sport or skill you have always wanted to excel at but didn’t have the ability?

We are finite beings, limited in our natural abilities and talents, which means it takes a lot of hard work, practicing, failing, and trying again to gain a new skill or master a sport. If we could add the expertise of an Olympic champion to the efforts of our imperfect bodies, we would be transformed into an Olympic-worthy athlete.

Like our bodies, our spiritual lives are also imperfect, unable to pursue God in our own strength. But when we invite the Holy Spirit to guide and strengthen us, we start looking more like Jesus. In today’s session, David Platt explores the transforming work of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer.

Watch Session 2: The Spirit-Empowered Life (11 minutes).

David opened by reminding us that our Christian life begins with God’s forgiveness, but it doesn’t end there—God created us to enjoy him always and exalt him everywhere. How have you understood what the Christian life should look like? What were you taught God wanted from you after you professed your faith in Jesus?

When we believe a good Christian just means being a good person—don’t hurt others, be decent and respectable—we lose out on the depth of what God wants for us in this life. Our faith remains shallow. When have you treated your faith as merely a moral standard? What impact did seeing your faith as simply a set of values have on you?

David described the Christian life as being transformed to become more like Christ in every aspect of our lives, experiencing the fullness of God’s purpose for us. But how do we live out that purpose? Read 2 Corinthians 3:17–18. What difference does the Spirit of the Lord make in our lives? In what ways have you witnessed the transformative power of the Spirit? 

David described the work of the Spirit as a set of six concentric circles, with the innermost circle representing our heart. A redeemed heart faithful to Christ is empowered and enlivened by the Holy Spirit, who transforms the rest of our lives from the inside out. How would you describe the condition of your heart since you placed your faith in Jesus?

A transformed heart influences our minds. Read Romans 12:2. In what ways has your thinking and intellectual life been influenced by your faith in Christ?

As we spend time in God’s Word, our thinking changes to reflect his truth and values. When our minds are transformed, the rest of the “circles” begin to look more like Christ, and we begin to want what he wants and love what he loves. How have your desires and ambitions changed to reflect God’s values and priorities? What’s one tangible difference you have seen between your “old self” and your life since committing yourself to Christ?

Becoming more like Christ impacts our relationships dramatically. We learn to forgive and serve and love more freely because God has forgiven and served and loved us so completely. In what ways have your relationships been impacted by your faith in Christ?

Not all relationships are easy. Only through the Holy Spirit’s power can we remain faithful to Christ, to love as he loved us, in difficult relationships. What have you learned about God and yourself as you’ve walked through a hard situation or painful relationship? In what ways has your faith helped you through the struggles?

David noted that loving others includes witnessing to them about Christ. We may use words to share the gospel, and we may also let our lifestyle and service show them what he’s like. In doing so we fulfill our purpose to glorify God to the world—one conversation, one social media post, one kind act at a time. In what ways are you sharing your faith verbally? What behaviors could others identify in your life that reflect your faith to others? Which of Christ’s values do you regularly demonstrate at work or in public?

The Spirit continues to transform us as we struggle with temptation, reject sin, love others, embrace God’s call, and allow him to change our desires to reflect his heart more. In which areas of your life do you notice a trajectory toward glorifying God? Where would you like to see more change?

The Spirit lives within us. As we yield to his leading, choosing selfless love over selfish gain, we are transformed and able to live more fully into our innate purpose of enjoying and exalting God. What can you do today to help yourself listen to the Spirit? What areas of your life do you want to see him transform?


The Christian life doesn’t end with our profession of faith in Jesus—it begins there and continues each day as the Spirit transforms and empowers us to live in holiness. As we continue a daily journey of knowing Christ better, our lives begin to reflect his character. Our hearts begin to desire that others know our wonderful savior. The more we exhibit the fruit of the Spirit, the more we glorify God and draw others to want to know him better. Our faith affects all parts of our lives, so let’s be intentional about surrendering each day to the Spirit.