In this session we conclude the series of “Love in Chaos” with Bob Goff. You can review all the videos on RightNowMedia (free) and just follow the study guide or use our categories to get them listed on this site. Today we learn about Love Without End…
  • Main Idea: Reflecting on the brevity of our lives leads us to make the most of our days, exercising our faith in Christ for the good of others.
  • Head Change: To know that our lives are short and can be lived fully for Christ.
  • Heart Change: To feel motivated to share the love of Christ with others.
  • Life Change: To practice our faith in Christ by engaging the world around us with the love of God.

What is the riskiest thing you’ve ever done? What compelled you to take that risk? What was the result?

Taking risks can be frightening. It can also be invigorating. Many things worth doing—from proposing to our significant other to applying for a promotion at work—involve a certain amount of risk. In life, risk is virtually inescapable.

Risk-taking can also be a significant part of our faith. “Taking our faith out for a spin,” whether it’s something like loving our enemy or sharing the gospel, can feel pretty risky. What if things don’t turn out the way we plan? What if something goes wrong? What if we experience rejection? All of these are possible. And all of them are worth the risk. In this final session, Bob will encourage us to make the most of the days we’ve been given by taking the risk of exercising our faith in real and practical ways.

Watch Session 6: Love Without End (10 minutes).


Bob opened this session by alluding to the myths he grew up believing. After some unfortunate events during his childhood, he began telling himself that everyone would eventually leave him. And he believed it. Did you develop any myths like Bob’s when you were growing up? If so, what were they? For what reasons did you develop these stories? To what degree do you still struggle with them? 

Part of Bob’s goal in this series has been to help us identify myths we believe so we can replace them with what’s true—that God doesn’t look “in your mirror and wish he saw somebody else. He wants you to be you.” How would you describe what Bob means when he says that God “wants you to be you”? 

What is true about you? What does it look like to believe what’s true of you and reject what’s not?

Our lives breeze by much faster than we’d like, and Bob challenged us to make the most of the time we’ve been given. In what ways have you come to realize that life is short? How do you feel about the brevity of your life? What’s your response to the reality that life goes by quickly?

On the topic of making meaningful use of our time, Bob shared an example of what he and his wife did with their kids to put faith into action in a meaningful way. They wrote letters to world leaders and asked them to share a message of hope. It was a grand gesture that took a lot of faith. How does your faith in Christ inform the way you use your time? What are the one or two most important things you want to spend your life doing? Are you currently doing those things? If not, why? 

Bob talked a lot in this session about “taking your faith out for a spin,” or putting your faith into practice. In what ways do you put your faith into practice now? What are some of the ways you aspire to put your faith into practice? What’s stopping you from doing those things now? 

Bob said he doesn’t “think we lead people to Jesus.” Instead, “Jesus leads people to Jesus.” In what ways can Jesus’s role in bringing people to himself alleviate the pressure we sometimes feel around service and evangelism? What might change about our evangelism and service to others if we remind ourselves that Jesus is the one who changes hearts?

Bob encouraged us to relinquish control and let the Spirit of God reveal to us, individually and as a community, what move he wants us to make next. What does it look like for you to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading in your life? How does following the Spirit’s promptings impact your interactions with those around you?

Comparison can hinder our faith and our ability to see what God’s doing in our life. So, Bob encouraged us not to compare ourselves with what he’s doing in other people. “God never compares what he creates,” Bob said, “and he’s created in you something really special.” In what ways has comparison blinded you to the work of God in your life?

What is God doing in your life right now? How can you keep yourself from engaging in comparison? 

As he closed this series, Bob told us to take away all the things we’re known for—all the titles and roles and superficial identities we tend to wear—and focus on who we are at our core. What are some of the titles or identities you identify with? In what ways can those identities skew your perception of yourself? When all those identifiers are stripped away, who are you at your core? 

We can make the most impact in this life by engaging people with the love of Christ, obeying his commands, and exercising our faith as the Spirit leads us. What are some practical ways you can extend love to the people you encounter every day? What acts of obedience and steps of faith is the Spirit leading you to take right now?


Life is short—there’s no getting around it. Bob said twenty-eight thousand days is all we have, give or take. What will we do with the time that’s been given to us?

In this series, Bob has encouraged us to make the most of our days by exercising our faith in real and practical ways—bridging the divides in our culture, using kind words, and loving our neighbors and enemies. These habits and more are how we can make our faith visible before a world desperate for the love of God in Christ.

Think about what you’ve learned over the course of this study. What’s one thing you’ve learned during this series that has stuck with you? What is one thing you plan to implement as a result of having watched this series?

When we put the love of God on display and follow the leading of his Spirit, there’s no telling what he’ll do through us. So, take what you’ve learned from Bob in this series and put it into practice for the good of others. Go ahead, watch what happens.