We continue this session with the second of three of The Game of Life. With this week focusing on the fact that God wants us to practice in life.  Life is not just about knowing and understanding God but putting that knowledge into faith-based action. We have to get to the point where we understand that that God calls us to faithfulness, not perfection.
We should not be concerned or worry about walking in this faith, because God has equipped us to do all we need to do as we are rooted in the foundation of God’s word.

What area of life would you say you’re most disciplined in? How much dedication and practice did it take to become that disciplined?

If we want to accomplish certain goals in life, we have to be disciplined. Just like athletes who train their bodies for months to win, we also must train ourselves in godliness. But no discipline comes easily.

In this session, JB and Coach Dungy are going to explore what it means for Christians to practice their faith through things like spiritual disciplines, prayer, and doing good works.

Before viewing the session, here are a few important things to look for in James’s and Coach Dungy’s teaching. As you watch, pay attention to how they answer the following questions.

  • What are the three steps for knowing what God desires from us?
  • How do we make sure we’re running the right race?

Watch Session 2: God Wants You on His Team (13 minutes).

James started the session saying that we can’t just know about God and his commands—we’ve got to put that knowledge into action to produce good works.

Why do you think it’s so easy to know about God without living for him?

Coach Dungy compared the Christian life to football players learning and growing during their practices. When you’re practicing diligently, things tend to come naturally during the game.

What aspects of your faith—like prayer, attending church, showing compassion, etc.—do you diligently practice? What aspect of your relationship with Christ do you hope to grow in?

James and coach Dungy talked about the importance of communication with your coach when playing on a team. They likened the importance of communication to our need for prayer and time in the Word.

What do prayer and Bible reading look like for you in a typical week? How could you intentionally try to pray and talk to God more often?

Coach Dungy told us that in order to stay disciplined and focus on Jesus, we should incorporate spiritual disciplines into our daily routines. Reading the Bible consistently, prayer, generosity, and fellowship are all ways we can make the effort to cultivate spiritual growth.

What are your favorite spiritual disciplines to practice? In what way has your spiritual life been transformed by your spiritual disciplines?

Coach Dungy gave three steps to knowing what God wants from us. Step one is building a deep relationship with God through prayer. Every relationship thrives on communication, and the same is true of our relationship with God.

What has it looked like for you to prioritize prayer? How have you seen prayer be transformative in your life or that of a friend?

What are you praying for today?

Step two is to deepen our knowledge of God through reading the Bible. When we spend time in God’s Word, we learn about God and gain wisdom for living. Instead of listening to social influencers or the changing ideals of culture, Christians should be rooted in the unchanging Scriptures.

How much do you typically study the Bible during the week? What could it look like to try and incorporate more time reading or memorizing Scripture?

Step three is to deepen our relationship with others. God created us for community. Developing Christian friendships should be a major priority in our lives because they provide accountability, encouragement, and fellowship.

What does community look like for you in this season? What could you do to invest more deeply in godly community?

James ended the session by saying, “We’ve got to be ready and willing to put into play what we’ve learned from God’s Word.”

What recent opportunity has God given you to serve him? What could it look like for you to be intentional about putting what you know into action?


Coach Dungy told us that part of the Christian life is learning the fundamentals of the faith so that we can continually build on a solid foundation. Jesus talks about this idea in the parable of two foundations. Read Luke 6:46–49.

In this parable, Jesus describes two foundations that experience the same storm with very different results.

What kind of person does Jesus say the house with a deeper foundation represents? How did Jesus describe the aftermath of the house with a shallow foundation?

 It can be tempting to try and build our lives on things that won’t last, like our careers, people, and appearances. But those things are always subject to change. Building our lives on shaky foundations will only cause destruction, as we see in verse 49.

When have you been tempted to build your life on things other than God’s truth? How have you seen the principle of this verse play out in your own life?

 In verse 46, Jesus challenges his disciples with a question about their dedication. We cannot claim Jesus is our Lord if we don’t follow his commands. When we know Jesus but ignore him, we will not be able to withstand the storms of life.

Is there any area of your life where you’ve been ignoring the wisdom of Scripture? If so, what would it look like to practice God’s wisdom and obey his commands?

The unexpected hardships of life can rattle our faith. But when we’ve spent time obeying God, seeing that he is trustworthy and good, we’re able to rest, even when our world is in chaos.

How has knowing God’s Word been beneficial to you in a time of need? What would it look like to trust God today, to build a foundation before the storms of life come?

Jesus described the house with a shallow foundation as completely ruined, or destroyed. Sometimes, it’s not until we’ve experienced hardships of our own making that we realize we weren’t honoring what God told us.

In what way have you dealt with harsh consequences after disobeying God’s word? What has that experience taught you about God and his way?

Verse 48 says the well-built house was unmoved by a flood. Imagine how strong a house would have to be to stand up to a flood! Putting your faith into action is an act of faith that teaches us to trust God. When we build our lives on trusting God, no circumstance can shake us because we know the one who is in control.

How do you typically react to chaos or unexpected circumstances? What could it look like to trust God during the storms of life?


Athletes are expected to know the ins and outs of the sport they play. In the same way, Christians should know God and put our faith in him into action. Our actions should reflect our knowledge and relationship with God. Your faith cannot be an internal feeling—it must be a visible lifestyle.

This week, take some time to think about your walk with Christ. Commit to deepening your relationship with him through prayer, reading the Bible, and participating in community. Chat with a friend about how you can put God first in every area of your life and prioritize keeping each other accountable.


Read: Read and memorize James 1:25, “But the one who looks intently into the perfect law of freedom and perseveres in it and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of good works—this person will be blessed in what he does.”


Act: Consider choosing a spiritual discipline like prayer, fasting, or Bible reading to focus on for the next month. Dedicate yourself to whatever you choose and write down what God shows you during the month with him.


Pray: Reflect on your relationship with God and pray that he continues to develop and strengthen you. Ask him to help you act on his Word and not just know it.