Whether we want to admit it our not, since we can remember we have always, and continue, to compare ourselves to others. Depending our your age, you may have wanted to be Muhammad Ali, Larry Czonka, Hank Aaron, and those were just sports icons. We could have wanted to be like our friend on the football team that got to play quarterback, or maybe the guy that your dream girl said yes to, after you got told no. We wonder what we don’t got and we look around for what we need.

The bible of course tells us many stories of the great example, Jesus, but it also gives us many examples of other good men as well as some bad examples. This series will attempt to unfold some of the great examples we can learn from and grow wiser from.

Little Help Over Here? (Nabal) 1 Samuel 25 10/18/2014
Broken Promises (Samson) Judges 13-16 10/25/2014
Fearful Disobedience (King Saul) 1 Samuel 13
1 Samuel 15
Change is Possible (Manesseh) 2 Chronicles 33 11/08/2014
Families are Messy (Isaac) Genesis 25-26 11/15/2014
Master-pieces (Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob, Esau) Genesis 27-28 11/22/2014