As a follower of Jesus Christ, we realize we cannot fulfill our role as a man representing Jesus Christ on our own. We need help and guidance. Through the study of Kingdom Man, we will take steps towards becoming who we were intended to be.

Dr. Tony Evans wrote the book “Kingdom Man” in 2012. From that book there have been bible studies, reading guides, DVD series and even a kit. The intentions of how the Wild Men of God group approaches the study is to encourage, train and equip men to be who they were intended to be in the simplest way. We do not want to draw this study out and overwhelm anybody, yet at the same time provide valuable lessons to transform each man so they will never be the same.

We will meet for six (6) sessions at the club house. Those sessions will include a short video message from Tony Evans. During the video we will be lead through scripture and provided a way to take a hold of the fundamentals from the lesson.

After the video there will be a final wrap up discussion and we then take the challenge to practice during the week what we have learned.

The following questions may come up, and need to be clarified.
1. Do I need the Kingdom Man book? Will we be reading the book together?
No – We will be following the DVD video series that covers the Kingdom Man material in study format. It is highly recommended that you get the book and read it as we go along in the study. The book as three main sections, covering fifteen chapters. There is not a clean break to how many chapters coincide with the video sessions each week.

2. Do we need to buy the study guide? Are we going to be using that specifically?
No – it is highly recommended that you get the study guide, but it will not be a requirement. The basic parts of the study guide relating to the group experience will be used. There are fill-in sentences and discussion points relating to the video that will be used. Not all of the study material will be used each week.

3. Why are we not using the study guide? Can we use it?
The study-guide material provides daily devotionals for five days between study sessions. This is a great resource and we highly recommend getting the study-guide and doing the daily devotionals if you can. Reality is and history has proven, if a man gets behind, out of shame he will withdraw and the enemy will take him out. We don’t anyone taken out. We want each man to make it through this short journey. We will not focus on the daily devotional material during the group sessions. If you do go through the devotions and get inspired and want to share during our fellowship time, that is greatly encouraged.

4. What do I need each week?
Just come as you are. We would like you to have all the material, but it is not necessary. We encourage you to bring your bibles and maybe even a little folder or binder for the weekly worksheets, if you don’t purchase a study guide.

5. Who can attend? Can I invite friends?
We encourage you to invite your friends, and enemies as well, if they will come. We want to offer this great teaching as a “on-ramp” to manly community. Whether it is with the Wild Men of God or other men’s groups, that is irrelevant. The intention is to awaken men and get them moving closer to God.

6. When and where are we meeting?
The following weekends we will be meeting at the Greystone Falls clubhouse, media room.


Saturday, April 5th Wanted: Kingdom Men
Saturday, April 12th Greatness is your Destiny
Saturday, April 19th Claiming your Territory
Saturday, May 3rd Life of a Kingdom Man
Saturday, May 10th Home of a Kingdom Man
Saturday, May 17th Influence of a Kingdom Man

6. What is the cost? What do I need to bring?
There is no cost for the sessions. Just get your books, and if you can, bring a side-dish, treat or item to share before we start. There will be coffee and water available, but if you want to bring your own breakfast or something to bless others with, I am sure it would be appreciated.

7. What if I can’t make a particular Saturday?
Come the next week! Don’t let one week ruin your whole journey. Life happens, we experience it, we can endure it!

We hope to see you there on Saturday!