A good, good father. That is what we all long for. Many of you reading this never had that father figure in your life. Others may have had a great father, but he could not meet all of our desires, and then yet there may be a few of you that had a great father, and there is still some lingering questions. What ever your situation, we are grateful you are interested in taking this journey with us and we are sure everyone taking the journey will get some benefit.

The book Fathered by God was published in 2009 and is actually a new revision of the older book “The Way of the Wild Heart”.  You can actually read either one and the material will take you right along, either way.  Below will be a reference to the sessions and the reading assignments. Please attempt to keep up with the reading.  If you do get behind don’t sweat it, just move on to the next session, but don’t take that as your default approach.  I know for a fact that you will benefit greatly if you do read through the chapters as outlined.

Here is a brief video with overview of the study

As John Eldredge states in the clip, “Finding God as Father and receiving initiation as a man is probably the greatest revolution that can ever take place for any of us; it is absolutely life-changing!”. We hope that you take a step of faith to join in with a group of guys in a safe environment to see what God has in store for you.

The table below outlines our plans. As stated, you can use either the newer “Fathered by God” (FBG) book or the older “Way of the Wild Heart” (WTWH) book. Get your book and study guide, and then just show up on January 7th. We will begin reading together after that. If you are biting at the bit to get going, go ahead and read the introduction and see if you can relate to where we are going. See you on the 7th at Panera Bread.

Date Session FBG Assignment WTWH Assignment Study Guide Pages
Jan 7 Kickoff 1 1 7-19
Jan 14 1 2 2 20-37
Jan 21 2 3 3 38-53
Jan 28 3 4 5 54-66
Feb 4 4 5 8 67-82
Feb 11 5 6 10 83-98
Feb 18 6 Review
Mar 4 7 7 12 99 – 113
Mar 11 8 8 14 114 – 128
Mar 18 9 9 15 129 – 145

NOTE: Chapters listed each week are the assignment to begin, not to have done

Get your study guide…

Below is links to PDF and Word documents. Files are the same, Word doc available if you want to type your answers in file, rather than printing.

You can download the Study Guide PDF file by [clicking here]
(right click the link and select “Save As” to make your own copy and print out)

You can download the Study Guide WORD document by [clicking here]
(right click the link and select “Save As” to make your own copy and either print out or type your answers out)

If you have any questions, thoughts, or challenges getting the books or study guide,  feel free to drop me an email: dano@dcolombo.com