As we continue with the study through the book Leadership and Self-Deception, we engage in chapter 19 to clarify what we already know, but don’t always put into practice.

Up to this point we have learned about the concept of spiritual and mental boxes that people can put themselves into and how we can do it to ourselves. Today it unfolds with what we know and how we can get out of a box when we find ourselves there once again.

Read chapter 19-20

Getting out of the box

“When you’re feeling that you want to be out of the box for someone, in that moment you’re already out. You’re feeling that way because you’re now seeing them as people, not objects.”

What doesn’t work

“the people problems that most people try to correct with skills aren’t due to a lack of skill at all. They’re due to self-betrayal. People problems seem intractable not because they are insoluble but because the common skill interventions are not themselves solutions.”

How about us

Do you find yourself looking at the list above and realizing the effort that you have exerted in trying to be better and trying to get out of the box, but actually just fortifying your own box? What are your thoughts on the thoughts of things that don’t work?

Can you share about times when you done one of the five things listed? What seems to be a technique that you seem to repeat over and over again with the same results (insanity)

Showing Compassion

We are aware that Jesus is part of the trinity and was living out his human life here on earth but still had the insights and power of God. He could change things immediately whether in his physical presence or afar with just a word.  We learn that he true experience on earth was not just to fix all worldly things, but change people from the inside out. Let’s turn to an example where Jesus treats people with compassion and care, and not just fixing things.

Matthew 8 –

  • Heals the leper
  • Heals the soldier’s son
  • Healings at Peter’s house

What stands out to you in these events?

Going out this week

Let’s put into practice this week what we have learned. Go back and really get into chapter 8 of Matthew. Spend some time to develop a heart and mind like Jesus had.

The Arbinger Institute. Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting out of the Box (p. 138). Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Kindle Edition.