This session we continue through the book of Nehemiah with Eric Mason with RightNowMedia.

Every session has a point—what each participant should walk away from the discussion knowing, feeling, and doing.

  • When we encounter personal, spiritual, or emotional opposition, instead of allowing it to distract us from God’s work in our lives, we can cling to God’s truth so his work can continue.
  • To know that God’s truth can help us stay focused on his work.
  • To feel grounded in God’s truth when distractions come our way.
  • To focus on what is true about God in the face of distractions.

What’s one thing you can always be distracted by? Why do you think it distracts you

Whether we like to admit it or not, we all can be distracted at times. Distractions can be self-imposed, or they can come from something as simple as a text, a viral video, or a chatty friend. Though often harmless, serious distractions can prevent us from doing what we are called to do.

In chapter 6 of Nehemiah’s story, Nehemiah’s enemies try to distract him from his God-given task to rebuild the wall. We will see how Nehemiah was able to push past opposition to restore the wall for God’s people.

Read Nehemiah 6:1–19.

Watch Session 6: Nehemiah 6 (13 minutes)

By this point in the story, the wall has nearly been completed. Israel’s enemies have grown increasingly concerned that the Israelites will establish a stronghold in the area, so they’ve hatched a plan to distract them.

Sanballat and Geshem saw that the wall was nearly finished and tried to distract Nehemiah from his work by calling for a meeting with him outside the city. How did Nehemiah respond to them in verses 3–4? What do these verses reveal about Nehemiah’s focus.

In verse 2, Nehemiah recognized that his enemies were trying to harm him to take him away from his God-given work. As Eric mentioned, we must identify and remove the distractions that can take us away from the work God wants to do in and through us. What distractions in your life can pull you away from God? What do you think would happen if those distractions were removed?

Nehemiah recognized what his enemies were trying to do and, as we see in verse 3, chose to prioritize the work on the wall instead of letting his enemies distract him. While we aren’t rebuilding a wall like Nehemiah was, we all have God-given work—to become like him in our attitudes and actions, to obey him in every area of our lives, and to glorify him in our vocations. How would you describe the work God has given you to do, both spiritually and vocationally?

Why do you think we sometimes don’t prioritize God’s work in our lives? What does it look like for you to prioritize God’s work in and through your life above any distractions?

Sanballat spread false rumors about Nehemiah, saying Nehemiah wanted to establish himself as the king in Israel. This rumor could have been detrimental to making progress on the wall. Nehemiah gave his response to the rumors in verses 8–9. How did Nehemiah respond to the rumors? What did he ask God to do? What stands out to you about Nehemiah’s response, and why?

Rumors and lies can damage us emotionally and distract us from what God wants to accomplish in us. Eric reminded us that we need to speak truth to our emotions because while they may be real, they don’t always point to the truth. What makes emotions sometimes an unreliable source of truth?

When have you noticed your emotions directing you away from the truth? How did you respond?

In verse 8, Nehemiah said the rumor was false. Though the rumor could have threatened his life, he focused on the truth instead of allowing his emotions to inform his response. How might you allow truth to dictate your response in highly emotional situations?

In verse 9, Nehemiah recognized that the enemy’s ploys were meant to intimidate him. The Hebrew word for “intimidate” is littered throughout the passage in verses 9, 13, 14, and 19 and reveals that intimidation was the enemy’s strategy to stop work on the wall. In what ways can intimidation be an effective distraction from God’s work?

Instead of giving in to the enemy’s intimidation, Nehemiah prayed and asked God to strengthen him. Nehemiah consistently went before the Lord when he faced opposition to his work. God wants us to go to him, especially when we experience strong emotions. When have you turned to God in prayer in a difficult situation? What did you pray? How did praying about your problem affect you?

In verse 9 and later in 14, Nehemiah prayed when he was threatened by his enemies. Eric said, “prayer is not the dictation of our will to God, but our alignment with his will.” Prayer helps us align ourselves with God instead of focusing on our emotions. In what ways has prayer helped you shift your focus from your emotions to what God desires for you?

As a prophet, Shemaiah should have been a good source of truth, but Tobiah and Sanballat paid him to deceive Nehemiah. Shemaiah’s deception can remind us that we need to filter what we hear from people, media outlets, or the internet—even those we trust—through the truth of God’s Word. In what ways can you use Scripture to help you discern the truth?

According to God’s Law, only priests were allowed to enter the innermost parts of the temple where God’s holy presence dwelled. If Nehemiah went in, he could have sinned by desecrating the temple or even died from being in God’s holy presence. Since Nehemiah knew the Law, he was not deceived by Shemaiah’s deceptive warning. When we know the truth in God’s Word, as Nehemiah did, we won’t be easily deceived. How well would you say you know the Bible? What could it look like to grow in your understanding of God’s Word?

Despite the extent of the damage and opposition, the work on the wall was completed in fifty-two days, showing God’s sovereign and capable hand over the reconstruction. Nehemiah’s enemies were trying to intimidate him, but in the end the miraculous completion of the wall intimidated them. The completion of the wall shows us what God can do through people who refuse to allow distractions and opposition to get in the way of his work. What do you think God wants to accomplish through your faith community? What distractions or opposition do you face? What would it take for you to persevere?

No matter where we are on our journey with God, we will encounter opposition to God’s work in and through us. To persevere through distractions as his followers, we can choose to focus on truth through prayer and engaging God’s Word. What could it look like to persevere this week by utilizing prayer and God’s Word to focus on God?


As we pursue the Lord’s work in and through our lives, we will undoubtedly encounter opposition. We may not face the same distractions Nehemiah had in rebuilding the wall, but we will face them in various forms. The enemy may try to discourage us through fear, lead us astray with ill-advised guidance, or distract us with our own ambitions. However, we can remain faithful to God by following Nehemiah’s example of focusing on truth through prayer and engaging God’s Word. As we follow the Lord, he will be faithful to carry out his work that will amaze us and the world around us.

When distractions come your way, stay focused on God’s truth, and God will fulfill his work in and through you.