We continue this session with Eric Mason on the Book of Nehemiah, session 4. You can checkout the video at RightNowMedia.org.

Every session has a point—what each participant should walk away from the discussion knowing, feeling, and doing.

  • Main Idea: To endure opposition as God’s people, we must have faith in God and act practically.
  • Head Change: To know that faith in action moves us forward when we face opposition for our faith.
  • Heart Change: To feel encouraged to act on our faith when we encounter opposition.
  • Life Change: To take faith-filled steps when we face resistance for following God.

What’s something you’ve had to endure (like a complicated project at work, a long line at an amusement park, a family reunion, etc.)? What helped you keep going?

Whether we’re at the back of a line or waiting for a promotion, we often aren’t where we want to be. In those instances, we need endurance—a characteristic that’s hard to come by in our fast-paced world. If we face opposition and resistance, we’re encouraged by our culture to take the easier route. But God often calls us to keep going. So what does it look like to push through opposition as we seek to follow God wholeheartedly?

In Session 4, Eric will share how the Israelites were able to face persistent pressure from their enemies and make progress on restoring the wall around Jerusalem. Nehemiah 4 gives us a glimpse into how we can endure the resistance we face as we follow God.

Read Nehemiah 4:1–23.

Watch Session 4: Nehemiah 4 (12 minutes).


Nehemiah 4 provides us with raw imagery of the difficulty the Israelites faced in rebuilding Jerusalem’s wall. Despite opposition, God’s people endured with a shovel in one hand and a sword in the other.
As the Israelites began to make progress on the wall, Tobiah and Sanballat opposed them by mocking them in verses 1–3 and later plotting to fight against them in verses 7–8. We might not face the same kinds of adversaries as the Israelites, but we can experience opposition to following God in many ways, including opposition within ourselves or external forces. In what ways have you faced opposition as you’ve followed God and his commands?

Eric told us that we should expect opposition to God’s kingdom, yet many of us are surprised by opposition. Why do you think many of us are caught off-guard when we face opposition?

On the surface, Sanballat and Tobiah’s antagonism toward Israel seems simply personal. But Eric told us that much of the resistance God’s people face originates from an unseen spiritual enemy, Satan. Even if we’re opposed by people, we know there’s often a spiritual foundation behind them. In what ways is it difficult to grasp that surface-level issues often have a spiritual foundation to them? How might viewing your obstacles as spiritual change the way you respond to them?

Eric said that we need “situational awareness” to notice spiritual opposition in our lives, especially when we are seeing growth in our faith. We need to observe what’s going on in us and around us so we can be in tune with the spiritual reality behind our circumstances. When have you noticed spiritual opposition in your life? What were the circumstances that helped you realize what was going on?

Being aware of opposition is helpful, but we also need to know how to combat it. Our faith in God gives us hope to move forward in the face of opposition. Notice how Nehemiah expresses his faith in God.

Eric pointed out that the first thing Nehemiah did in the face of opposition was talk to God. Nehemiah shows us what it can look like to turn to God in difficult circumstances. How do you typically respond to a difficult situation? What does it look like for you to go to God in prayer in tough circumstances?

Even though they encountered opposition, the Israelites persevered in faith and made progress on the wall.

The essence of the chapter is found in verse 6: Despite opposition, the people persevered to rebuild the wall. Facing opposition is always difficult, but our faith in God propels us forward through it. How has your faith in God helped you persevere through a tough situation?

Despite their enemies’ schemes, the Israelites’ faith stood firm. Eric said that we can experience great growth in our faith during times of opposition. In what ways have you seen your faith in God grow while facing something difficult?

 Our growing faith helps us face even greater opposition, which is what the Israelites faced in verses 7–8 as their enemies plotted to fight them. The Israelites responded by praying to God and stationing a guard. Their faith and actions went hand-in-hand. How can our actions reflect our faith in God? 

The Israelites could have just prayed and not stationed a guard, which would have risked the progress they made. Instead, they thought practically and strategically and acted. What does it look like to discern when we need to strategically act on our faith? How might God be prompting you to act strategically in your life?

As the enemies of Israel threatened those rebuilding the wall, the Israelites became disheartened. Nehemiah told the people to not be afraid of their enemies because of the greatness of their God who was with them. Nehemiah called them to place their trust in God. What makes God trustworthy? What does it look like to trust him, especially in difficult times?

The Israelites worked on the restoration of the wall while arming themselves to defend their people if necessary. Their actions were practical, but they were motivated by their belief in God. In what ways does your faith in God motivate you throughout each day? What do your actions at work, at home, and in your community reveal about your faith?

Verse 16 tells us that half the people worked on the wall while the other half stood guard with weapons. By working together, they helped each other rebuild the wall and stay safe from their enemies. We can also help each other when we encounter opposition, whether it’s spiritual, physical, or emotional. In what ways do you value others’ support when you are facing a challenging season? How might you support a fellow believer who’s facing difficulty?

In verses 19–20, Nehemiah shared that God would fight for Israel. The Israelites were reliant on God to defend them against their enemies—they had to trust him. When we face difficult situations, we too can trust that God defends us and fights for us. He’s always with us, and he ensures we are spiritually safe with him. How does knowing that God is with you affect the way you respond to opposition?

This chapter reminds us that when opposition comes our way, we can exercise our faith in God by taking practical steps forward. Faith and action work hand-in-hand to help us endure difficulty. In what ways are you experiencing opposition or difficulty right now? How might you trust God by taking action this week?


As God’s people, we will face opposition. We might experience resistance on a surface level, but we know it originates in the spiritual realm as the enemy seeks to discourage progress of God’s kingdom in and through our lives. In order to withstand attacks from the enemy, we must cling to a deeply rooted faith in God and move forward with practical action.

Remember, God actively fights for us. Therefore, we can move forward through opposition with hopefulness because our God is with us. This week, consider how you can endure opposition by expressing your faith through prayer and practical action.