We continue this session with the second topic titled “Watch Out” by Joby Martin.  This week we can all relate to the main topic of being distracted or the battle for our attention.

Describe a time when you were distracted from something that required your attention. (driving, work, texting while walking, etc.)

How did your lack of attention affect you? (car accident, error at work, walking into a street sign, etc.)

What about those around you?

Each one of us experience times that require our attention. We have to be focused and watchful, otherwise our lack of attention will have negative consequences for ourselves as well as those around us. We’re going to find that the same is true for our spiritual lives as well. We are called to watch out.

VIEW Session 2: Watch Out video
How does Darrel’s story provide us with a picture of the collateral damage of sin? In what ways did his choices affect those around him?
How have you experienced the collateral damage of sin in your own life, whether from choices you have made or the choices someone else made that affected you?

Joby likened the idea of being watchful to that of a watchman on a wall, someone who watches over and protects his family and community.

We must be watchful for a variety of reasons, a primary one being the fact that we have an adversary in Satan who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy. But we also contend with our own fleshly desires that tempt us away from faithfulness to Christ.

During the session, Joby mentioned three specific points we must watch out for—pride, worry/anxiety, and laziness.

Of the three, which is the biggest struggle for you? How does it influence your God- given responsibilities?

Joby said that one of the main ways pride appears in the lives of men is believing the lie that they can make it through life without the accountability of community.

In what ways can you relate to this statement? How would you describe the level of community in your life? What could you do to be more intentional about pursuing relationships with mature believers for spiritual accountability?

Why does worry provide a foothold for the enemy in our lives? (As Joby said, our worry comes from believing we’re in control of situations only God can handle. We believe the enemy’s lies when we embrace worry at the expense of truth.)

In what ways do you struggle with worry? What are you trying to control that you need to surrender to God today?

The final point Joby listed was laziness, which causes us to set aside our responsibilities.

Where do you struggle with laziness in terms of your God-given responsibilities?

Many times, our preference for laziness comes from a desire for comfort. Rather than embrace the discomfort that comes with trusting in God, we can turn to embrace a lackadaisical approach to our faith that keeps us comfortable, but ultimately distances us from God’s purposes for our lives.

Can you relate to that desire for comfort Joby talked about in the session? What are some areas of your life where you are struggling to embrace the discomfort God is calling you to?

Scott’s story powerfully illustrated the consequences of letting our guard down. Despite years of sobriety from his alcohol addiction, he began drinking again when he found himself in a weak moment.
How did Scott’s story reveal what happens when we are not watchful against pride, worry, and/or laziness?

How did isolation from community allow him to embrace his sin?(He convinced himself that what he was doing was okay because he could manage it.)

A faithful walk with Christ requires watchfulness. When we fail to keep watch, we harm not only our lives, but also those around us. Sin has collateral damage and our enemy wants to see us destroyed, but God has equipped us for more. As men, He has given us strengths in order to serve and protect others.


In this life, we have an enemy who desires to tear down everything that God intends to flourish. Our adversary is ravenous and ready to attack, but he is no match for our Lord. Through the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, the enemy has already been defeated. That is the reality we are to commit our lives to in faithfulness to God.

Wherever God has placed you, He has called you to be watchful. Look out for the enemy, defend those you love from his attacks, and cultivate a humble heart that depends on Christ every step of the way.


Pray: Set aside some time this week to ask God for the eyes to see where He has called you to be watchful. As you identify those areas, be bold in your obedience trusting that the Lord will supply your needs along the way.

Praise: Take a moment to praise God for the ways in which He has brought restoration in your life. Thank Him for His grace and how it brings continual healing in the times when you fall short.

Resolve: As the Holy Spirit convicts you of areas where you need to be watchful, commit to that responsibility, no matter the cost.

Accountability: Identify 2–3 mature, believing men and schedule time to regularly check in with one another to stay accountable in this area of watchfulness.

Encourage: If you know of a weaker brother who is struggling to be watchful, make an effort to encourage him today. Remind him of God’s grace and the power of the Holy Spirit to restore us no matter our failures.