This week we start a brand new session called “Be A Godly Man” by Joby Martin. The story and message might not be new to many of us, but it does not diminish the importance.

What attributes come to mind when you think about how our culture portrays manhood, or being manly? (physical strength, good looks, wealth, etc.)

Who are some examples of men our culture praises for fitting this mold, either in real life or through entertainment? (Superman, LeBron James, Brad Pitt, etc.)

Clearly, our culture has an idea of manhood that reflects a hollow view of manhood. While there is nothing wrong with looks, strength, or wealth in and of themselves they are not what make us men. Let’s dive into our series and begin by talking about what we’re missing when it comes to our conversations about manhood.

[RightNowMedia: Session 1]

As we learned from Peter’s story, he and his father had a difficult relationship. He said that his dad “wasn’t absent, but he might as well have been.What kind of relationship did you have with your father growing up?

If it’s true that today manhood is caught more often than it is taught, what did you “catch” about being a man from your father? How did his example shape the man you are today?

Despite his determination to become a better man than his father, Peter talked about how he began to emulate his father’s unbiblical behavior because it was the only example he knew. What are some of the traits you inherited from your father, or men in your life? In what ways do you emulate them? (speech, behavior, gestures, etc.)

Who has been the most positive example of manhood in your life? What makes their model such a positive one?

From the start, Joby Martin made it clear that our culture suffers from widespread confusion when it comes to manhood. We struggle to define it in any consistent manner, let alone a biblical one. How would you define manhood? What do you think it means to be a man?

It was pointed out that there are three responses the world offers to its confusion of manhood.

  1. Men and women are the same,
  2. Men should apologize for being men,
  3. Men are better than women.

Which of these responses have you witnessed in others or even in your own life? What makes them unhelpful responses?

God’s ultimate aim for biblical manhood is to display His own glory through it. The story of Matt and Ernest took this to heart by building relationships young men in a run- down area of town by playing sports with them. As you think back on the story of Matt and Ernest, how did their actions toward their community display God’s glory?

What stood out to you the most about their story? What are some ways that you are or could similarly contribute to the young men in your community?

As Joby said, growing in biblical manhood begins with surrender. It is not something that any of us can do on our own. We do not have what it takes, which is why we so desperately need the good news of Jesus Christ. What are some of the ways you have leaned on your own strength to obey God rather than depending on His power? What kind of effects did it have on your life?

During the session, Joby explained that God placed three responsibilities on Adam in the Garden of Eden: he was to be a co-creator with God, he was to trust God with his life, and he was to show honor and deference to all women. In what ways have you seen these responsibilities—creation, trust, honoring women—twisted in our culture? What about in your own life?

On this side of the Fall, we live in a broken world. Manhood, like everything else, has been twisted such that it no longer reflects God’s original design. Rather than humbly live in light of our purpose, we often veer toward the extremes of either passivity in our responsibilities or abuse. But there is a way forward and it begins with faith in Jesus Christ, our perfect model in life.

Let’s take our study a step further by studying what Scripture says about God’s design for men.

Bible Journey

Genesis chapters 1 through 3 layout the intentions of God and the results of humanity. God makes it clear that that we were design for community and through the sin of wanting to be like God, we have a tendency to be independent and fall away from community

What are some examples of healthy community in your life today?

How could you grow in your intentionality about pursuing healthy community?

Does it ever feel like being the man God created you to be is an overwhelming task? We should all be able to answer this one together easily—YES. In fact, it is an impossible task for us to accomplish alone. When we depend upon our own strength, like Adam, we will fail every time. Our only hope is Jesus Christ. Someone read Romans 5:12–21.

Where are you in terms of dealing with self- dependence? Are there ways in which you need to surrender more fully to Christ today?

What would surrender change about the way you approach your responsibilities as a man?

Last Word

Like Joby said, you cannot stand up and act like a man until you bend your knee and surrender your life to Jesus Christ. He is not merely our example. Jesus is our righteousness. God created you for a purpose. Are you living in it today? No matter where you find yourself, God has extended an invitation to you in Christ to be drawn into His work in the world. Step into that journey with Him here and now and let Him teach you what it means to act like the man you were made to be.


Pray: As you walk away from this session, take some time over the next week to ask that God would prepare your heart to hear His truth throughout the rest of this series. Ask Him to speak to you in a transformative way over the next four weeks.

List: Take out a piece of paper and list three ways you would like to grow as a man over the course of this series. Keep it in a visible place so that you can remind yourself of it regularly.

Reflect: Spend some time reflecting on your upbringing, specifically in terms of how your father influenced the man you are today. Whether it was for good or bad, recognizing that influence is an important part of learning what affects your relationship with Christ.

Confess: If the Holy Spirit convicted you during this session of ways you have not lived up to God’s design for you as man, confess those to God. Ask for His forgiveness and trust that He will graciously mold you into the man He created you to be.

Give Thanks: Take a moment to thank God for where He has you today. Whether you are in a difficult season or a joyous one, He is present with you and His Holy Spirit is guiding you toward becoming more like Christ.