As we continue our sessions on Shaken by Tim Tebow, he takes us to a very familiar topic. One we have all faced from time to time, regardless of who we are.  It has to do with opposition and challenges.   Let’s review Session 2 of Shaken.

Storms in life will come. Storms were even experienced by Jesus and the disciples, physically and spiritually. Over the past couple weeks we have heard several testimonies about some individuals that journeyed through some storms. Whether it was witnessing the murder of a parent, to facing numerous casualties in war, or battling addictions. Each storm is real and when we are in the storm we can be much like the disciples in Luke chapter 8, and be much confused and desperate.  Or we can be like Jonah where he just wanted to give up and have the sailors throw him overboard.. There might even be some men right here that have just come through a storm, going into a storm, in the midst of a storm.

How is your weather forecast?

Tim also pointed out that we seem to always be drawn to the underdog story? Why do you think that is? What is one of your favorite underdog story and what resonates with you?

Sometimes storms in our life are not natural, but man-made. There are many people that can cause storms in our life. It can be direct opposition to our destiny or it may be those jealous of our situation and then there is the dreaded condemnation. This sometimes creates storms that we are not prepared for. It was not in the forecast, but catches us off guard. Or it might be very predictable and a storm that just does not seem to go away.

Have you experienced storms in your life inflicted by others?  Is there a reoccurring situation that brings on the storm? How have you maneuvered through such storms? What have you learned that you can share with the group?

Tim went on to explain that we can victory in life, but that does not mean life will be easy, but he did clarify that it is worth it.

Can you share about some blessings and benefits you have received by enduring some storms in your life?

 I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world. – John 6:33 NLT

How does that scripture equip and/or encourage you? Do you have another scripture you use during storms in your life?

As Tim concluded he reminded us that we need to trust God with everything we are and have. through difficult times and in good times.  Don’t ever forget that God wants to fight for us, and with us. He does not want to sit on the sidelines and watch us struggle and fail on our own.

As you whether your storms now or in the future, keep communication with Him and your community open, don’t isolate in a storm, it can be devastating. Also, be aware of storms in the area impacting others, reach out to them and encourage them and provide hope and strength that you, yourself have received.