For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God’s law; indeed, it cannot. Those who are in the flesh cannot please God. You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him. But if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the Spirit is life because of righteousness. If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.  – Romans 8:5-11 ESV

Ever since sin has infected and affected everyone and everything, nothing is ever quite right, and if it is, you can be sure something will soon go quite wrong. Since no one and nothing is perfect, we settle for things that are new hoping that will satisfy our longing for better. This explains why people cannot seem to get enough of things that are new. We like to live in new homes, drive in new cars, eat in new restaurants, and do it all while wearing new clothes and using new technology.

Our longing for new and better is ultimately satisfied in the work of the Holy Spirit. In this section of Romans, He teaches us, through Paul, seven things He makes new in us:

  1. New Relationship. Before being born again of the Holy Spirit, a person “does not belong to him [Jesus Christ]”. However, once you become a Christian, the Holy Spirit gives you a new relationship as “Christ is in you”.

    Like meeting someone for the first time, the relationship is started, but it only matures by spending time engaged in that new relationship. We need to spend time with Christ in us, to acknowledge, grow and appreciate that relationship.  Many new Christians want that instant change and sometimes even complain that they don’t have an intimate relationship with Christ, but most of the time it goes back to investing in the relationship. Relationships are not a “one-way thing”.

  2. New Mind. The person without the spirit has a “mind on the things of the flesh” which means they are so busy looking out to the world that they never much look up to God. All of this changes, however, once God sets our “minds on the things of the Spirit” so that we learn to think differently about everyone and everything in light of God’s Word.

    This battle seems to be the most challenging. It is an internal battle. The flesh wants to be satisfied and the world is physically right there and available. All of the world around us, points to the things in the world. Our past worldly experiences oppose the new thoughts being considered.  This battle is fierce and an investment in the internal/eternal relationship (#1) is critical.

  3. New Nature. The person without the Spirit has only their sinful fallen “flesh” which is a nature that rejects and rebels against God’s will and Word. Once we have a new nature by the “Spirit”, however, a change process begins at the deepest level of our being as God changes who we are and results in a change in how we live.

    Many want their old lives improved and added to, but not many get the whole idea that they have a new life, one they have never experienced. Not an improved old life, but a new life.

  4. New Desires. The non-Christian without the Spirit is “hostile to God” in that they do not accept any external authority beyond themselves. The person with the Spirit, however, wants to “submit to God’s laws” as their deepest desires change as obeying God is what they want to do.

    The laws of God and submitting to them are confusing to many, thinking they are giving up freedom and being controlled by others. But we need to realize that the laws of God are for protection, not submission. We need to realize that God rescues first before he creates the laws. He cares and moves closer then creates laws to help in the relationship.

  5. New Power. The person without the Spirit “cannot…submit to God” as a godly life can only be lived by God’s power. Conversely, the Christian has a new power by which to obey God because “the Spirit of God dwells in you”.

    When this new part of our life is experienced, a joy and peace is experienced that is hard to explain to non-believers.  Obeying God, moves from a burden and obligation to desire and perpetual reward.  The concept of compartmentalizing God and our life needs to be dissolved. Compartmentalization opposes the intimate, new relationship offered.

  6. New Life. Before the life of the Spirit overtakes your life, you “cannot please God” because all you have is your old life of sin. However, once you meet Jesus and receive the Spirit, your new life is marked by “righteousness” which is Jesus making your new life right with God and giving you the Spirit’s power to live your new life.

    Many times the meritocracy of our relationship with Christ overpowers and distorts the new reality. We still have the fleshly concept that we only get good when we do good. The more we do good, the more we should expect in return. We are not earning our relationship with God. Be aware that it is unhealthy to live a life in a co-dependent relationship, especially with God.

  7. New Destiny. Lastly, the eternal destiny of the person without the Spirit is “death”, whereas the person with the Spirit has a new destiny of eternal “life” with Jesus once they are raised by the Spirit as He was.

Which of these 7 are you most familiar with? Which of these 7 are you least familiar with? 

This week, take the challenge to connect with these 7 areas of your life with the Holy Spirit.

Driscoll, M. (2021, February 22). Do you know the 7 things the holy spirit makes new in you? Real Faith. Retrieved October 9, 2021, from