For the believer, obedience is not a pain but a joy.

It is hard to believe some times but, each act of obedience celebrates the grace that motivates and empowers it.  Each one of us makes decisions each day. There is a foundational understanding to every decision we make.

A simple statement, but very challenging is “Obedience is its own reward.” It is hard to overestimate the grace that motivates each act of obedience in our life.  Here is just some reality of all humans:

  • Humans tend not to esteem authority.
  • Humans like to write their own rules.
  • Humans are good at convincing themselves that their wrongs are not that wrong.
  • Humans tend to believe in their own autonomy.
  • Humans tend to think they’re wiser than they are.
  • Humans tend to have a moral code that is formed more by their desires than by God’s law.
  • Humans tend to think that they don’t need what they don’t desire.
  • Humans tend to be self-focused and self-excusing.
  • Humans tend to crave what God has prohibited.
  • Humans tend to opt for short-term pleasure over long-term gain.
  • Humans tend to rebel rather than submit.

Because all of the above statements are true, it is a miracle of amazing grace that any of us ever chooses to obey God. It is even more a miracle that we can find joy in obeying someone whom we cannot see, hear, or touch. It is a wonder of transforming grace that the heart of a self-focused human being can abandon the pursuit of his own little kingdom and give itself to serve the purposes of the kingdom of another.

Can you think of the time or season when the above list was challenged in your own life?

Can you think of time(s) when you obeyed God and went against your human nature?

Any time we desire, in word, thought, or action, to do what pleases God, we are being rescued, transformed, and empowered by his grace. You see, your obedience celebrates grace even in moments when you aren’t consciously celebrating it yourself. Each moment of submission to the will of God celebrates this reality:

“For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace” – Romans 6:14

So smile when you obey; you are experiencing the riches of grace. Give thanks when you submit; you are being rescued by grace. Celebrate when you make the right choice; you are being transformed by grace. Sing for joy when you serve God’s purposes; you have just given evidence of the presence of redeeming grace!

Tripp, Paul David. New Morning Mercies (pp. 448-449). Crossway. Kindle Edition.