The struggle is real, and internally we just desire a better life. The first two chapters of “Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table” by Louie Giglio, the author shares about his own struggles in life. That we all have challenges in life, and it is how we respond and live out the struggles in life.

If he, (the enemy), can claim the victory over your mind, he can claim the victory over your life.

We are in a spiritual battle, and the enemy is trying to wedge his seeds of doubt, fear, anger, and distrust into our consciousness. He is trying to get a seat at the “table” of our mind so he can lead us down paths he wants us to travel on. The good news is that we don’t have to go there.

Psalm 23



What image or description stands out the most to you in this psalm? Why?

David didn’t always get what he wanted every day of his life. But he never lacked what he needed any day of his life. How do you define the difference between the two?

How does the Good Shepherd make you lie down in green pastures? What does this look like in your life? Are you allowing Him to lead you in this area?

The devil’s goals are always the same. He wants to gain access to your mind so he can destroy you. He wants to get inside your head so he can plant harmful thoughts within you. He wants to steal everything valuable from you. He wants to kill your relationship with God. He wants to cause division between you and the people who care for you. It is up to you to keep him from sitting at your table. You have the power to exercise faith to defy the devil’s whisper.

Our enemy can be very much like this unwanted guest. He seeks to interrupt our time with the One who matters most. He wants to get a place at our table. He will try to weasel his way there and make us think he was invited. We have to know his tactics so we can resist him.

In the book Louie describes a time when he was at dinner with his wife celebrating her birthday when a stranger, a fan, wants to get a seat at his table and talk to Louie.

How do you typically handle situations like the one detailed in the book? Do you tend to accommodating or resistant to such unwelcome visitors?

Read Luke 4:1-13

What surprises you most in this interaction between Jesus and Satan? Why?

What are some ways you have experienced the enemy inviting himself to sit at your table? What are some of the lies he has tried to plant in your thinking to undermine your faith, joy, and peace?

When have you felt powerless in trying to make certain changes in your life? How has the enemy used your attempts and failures to get in your head and make you feel you will never change? How does such negativity affect your identity and self-worth?

Which of the enemy’s tactics tend to trip you the most? Knowing that you know this may be a particular area of vulnerability for you, how can you better prepare and defend yourself against the devil’s relentless assault?

Moving forward… read ahead chapters 3 & 4

Giglio, Louie. Don't Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table Study Guide. HarperChristian Resources. Kindle Edition.