The world is still crazy and dangerous. We sometimes think that the worst is behind us. That times are getting better. In many cases that might be true, but life is more than just battles of COVID, finances and family members.

So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!
– 1 Corinthians 10:12 NIV

Protection is a muliti-billion dollar business today. Who are we to live without boundaries? One of the most valuable possessions of every God’s man is his influence with others. Think about it. People respect people of integrity, whether it is in relationships, finance, property, or anything of value. We all know without boundaries we become vulnerable to things that steal and destroy our most valuable possessions.

As God’s men, we too must have predetermined boundaries to help us fulfill our commitments to Christ.  What does that mean?  Think about it.  When we are told we will face temptations, those temptations, if given into, can do irreversible damage to our integrity and reputation.  We see it over and over with the failings of leaders in every field today.  We all know our own personal weaknesses better than anyone…

What is your personal weakness?

One question we need to address is, are boundaries confining or liberating? If we see boundaries as restriction we miss out on the freedoms of security.  God gives confidence through the realization that we are secure within the boundaries he has revealed to us that we need.  We are protected and can face life’s situations with confidence when we experience the freedom that only boundaries can supply.

The most sacred thing you have in life is the cathedral of your mind. Protect it with the rock solid barriers that protect you from your personal weaknesses.

Father, thank you for your wisdom, you have given us the mind of Christ.