Each of us has dreams, and if you don’t want to use the “D” word, each of us has goals and aspirations. They might be big, move and live on a beach in the Bahamas. Might be simple, see your grandchild graduate high school. Many of us have a wide variety, of dreams and goals. We tend to categorize them, much like I did, big and small, but inevitably, the bigger the dream, the more challenges will be faced.  They could be giants in the grand scheme of things.  Each of us has taken on our fair share of giants, some of the giants in our story are still engaged with us as we wrestle out life.

From a wrestling match with cancer, ongoing wrestling with diabetes, and now maybe even a surprising new match… Covid-19.

Today we look at the story of David in 1 Samuel. Most of us quickly relate to David as the little boy that took on the impossible and conquered Goliath, but there is a lot more to his story. Much like our lives, there are many more things that are real in our life than others even know or understand. David actually had to fight four other giants before he got to Goliath.

What are some giants in your past or present that many are not aware of that know you.  When people look back on your life, they may have their own thoughts of what you battled and where your victories were, but what are some that might be overlooked and ignored?

David had many giants and they were not all physical giants, but they were giants in his mind.

You are far more likely to have to face those giants than a Goliath, but they can be just as big and intimidating and can keep you from becoming who God wants you to be and fulfilling the dream that God has put in your heart.


The first giant in facing your dream is delay. No dream is fulfilled instantly. God gives you the dream on one day, but he doesn’t fulfill it the next day. It may be years before you see the fulfillment of your life dream. There is always a waiting period.

During these historical days we are in, many of our dreams may seem delayed. There might be many of us that feel like the delay we are facing is actually a cancelation of our dreams.

Sometimes it is people, in David’s case, his dad held him back from the dream. After Samuel anointed David as king, Jesse told David to get back to tending the sheep!

When God’s plan contradicts somebody else’s plan, there’s going to be a delay, and people are going to try to hold you back — sometimes even the people who love you the most. But God is faithful, and he will complete his work in you in his time.

What are some of the battles that just seemed to take longer than you expected? Who have been some giants in your life that delayed what you thought should have happened more rapidly?


The second giant we may face is discouragement. Our life has gotten crazy. Just a few years ago, if someone tried to describe the times we are living in, we would have probably helped them to a doctor or inpatient facility.  I don’t believe any of us would have even entertained the thought that a whole city would shutdown and offer nothing but take out. That all schools would be shutdown and everyone would have to stay home.  We would have argued that there is no way, but yet we are living it today.  In these historic times of uncertainty, we can allow fear to slip in the door. The Covid-19 virus has caused a lot of fear, and our reaction really showed who many relied on. When the notion of shutdown became real, many took matter into their own hands and relied on themselves. They rushed out and bought everything they needed. Some in abundance, and many in selfishness.

Similar Goliath created a climate of fear in Israel, and everybody was convinced they were going to lose the battle.

Who are you listening to who says it can’t be done? Who is putting down your dreams, saying it won’t ever happen?

Sometimes we just need a fresh voice — a kid from the village with fresh eyes who says, “This guy’s nothing. We can take him down.”


The third giant standing in your way is disapproval. In David’s case, his own brother questioned his motives and disapproved of him going after Goliath.

In these times we might get to a point that we just tear up the dream list we had. Or maybe the progress we are making in our life seems like it was frivolous and needs to be abandoned.  If it is not our own mind, it might be from a friend or a loved one. And of course there is always those discouraging words of the enemy.

When God gives you a dream that other people are afraid of and you go for it anyway, you will be misjudged, maligned, and misunderstood. You have to decide what matters more to you — the approval of other people or the approval of God.


The fourth giant you may have to face is doubt. There was nobody who was a greater expert on war than King Saul, and he told David he was crazy for thinking a boy could fight a warrior like Goliath. Maybe the expert is saying you can’t do it, either. That’s enough to make you start doubting yourself.

Focus & Hope

Let us learn a bit more from David as he writes Psalm 63. Let our fears and doubts be dissolved with the truth and love we have

O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary, beholding your power and glory.

Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you. So I will bless you as long as I live; in your name I will lift up my hands. My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food, and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips, when I remember you upon my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night;  for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy.

My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me. But those who seek to destroy my life shall go down into the depths of the earth; they shall be given over to the power of the sword; they shall be a portion for jackals. But the king shall rejoice in God; all who swear by him shall exult, for the mouths of liars will be stopped.

What parts of this psalm appeal to you? What are some new responses you might have in our current situation?

What other scriptures have you been using in these times?





1 Samuel 17:47