With this session of Crushing by TD Jakes, we push forward through chapter 13; titled ‘A Tasting with the King’.

If we have been tracking through the book to this part we have learned the principles of how there once was a seed planted, the challenges and struggles the vine had in growing and maturing. How the vine produced a grape and the spectacle of it becoming a mature fruit and worthy of being selected for the harvest.  How the grapes are gathered together and literally destroyed, to never be a grape again. How the juices are blended together and magically fermented into wine.  It is this wine that is unique and has proper pairings and that we, a spiritual wine are paired with Jesus.  With this knowledge we can now grasp the glorious festive season of “tasting with the King”.

Wine tastings have become a popular way to enjoy a unique social experience. Participants can enjoy sharing the same beverage and comparing notes on their response to it taste. They can exchange knowledge of various wines and how the one at and fairs by comparison.

These gatherings are pleasant and enjoyable, I’m sure. But it seems very clear that these events cannot even compare with the rather wild, rambunctious parties, feasts, and festivals held during the harvest season in ancient Israel. Celebratory in nature, these events not only commemorated Jewish history but also reminded people of all God had done for them.

Have you ever attended a wine tasting? How would you describe it? Would you go again? If you’ve never been to one, would you want to? Why or why not?

What is your standard you measure for a good party or holiday celebration? What ingredients and people must be included in order for you to enjoy yourself as much as possible?

When was the last time you celebrated a milestone, attended an . event or participated in hosting a party? What did you enjoy the most about this time? What disappointed you the most about it?

During history Israel celebrated seven specific festivals every year, and it did commemorate God’s blessings that occurred for Israel, the Hebrew people also used them as confidence builders for what he would do in the future.

The truth is that Pastor Jakes touches on the reality that the parent rejoices in a child’s accomplishment, sometimes even more than the child. How the giver is delighted in the response of the one receiving. God, not doubt, is in the same situation with us.  He celebrates His people at the same time.  In our wine analogy, He did and still does as we individually ferment into faithfulness that’s stronger, bolder, and more potent than the juice that was once crushed.

After fermentation, God surely celebrates the fulfillment of our potential by inviting others to sip and enjoy what He as produced in our lives. These celebrations must surely include the rowdiest, loudest, and most worshipful occasions we can imagine.

Do you agree that God celebrates us as much as we celebrate what He had done in our lives? Why or why not?

When have you sensed God’s pleasure in your life, and sense that He is pleased with your growth, progress, and maturity? What led you to your awareness of Him celebrating how far you have come?

How does remembering all that God has done for you at regular intervals or seasons of the year strengthen your faith? How do such occasions help you overcome fears about your future? Why?

We now can move beyond the temple’s outer court and walk directly into God’s presence in the Holy of Holies. There, as His new and eternal wine, we offer ourselves to be poured for His pleasure. We enjoy the consummating consumption of being new wine fit for the King of Kings, knowing He wants to share His creation, us, with others in His Kingdom.

Here in the presence of the Living God, we exist as His wine for all eternity. We now enjoy the intimacy and communion the Lover of our souls has sought to fulfill with us since Adam and Eve first sinned in the Garden of Eden. Before our Lord and Savior, we finally grasp who we truly are and bask in the fullness of His love. We see the process completed as our Master Vintner has moved us from an outer court crushing, an inner court refinement and into His presence in the Holiest of Holies for all eternity.

If you have just joined us recently, todays discussion is about the culmination of a process.  Please take some time to meet with one of the guys and get a grasp of the overall process. This wine making business does not happen overnight, and the good thing is you don’t have to go it alone.

How would you describe the journey of highs and lows of your walk with God through your life? What would it look like?

What difference does it make in your life on a daily basis that you have direct access to intimacy with God?

When have you felt closest to God and knew you were enjoying a sacred time with Him?

When we embrace being God’s new creation in Christ and get used to being His new wine, we experience new levels of peace, joy, contentment, and satisfaction. We know our true purpose and delight in living it out, sharing our gifts, and serving others because of all that God has done for us.

From time to time, tiny sediments of the past may attempt to derail our progress, but we only have to run to God to remember what is true.  We are no longer who we once were but are becoming all our Creator ever wanted us to be. We are now God’s trophy instead of the victim of circumstance we once believed.

Like any proud parent or happy vintner, God delights in you and the new wine you have become. Elated with your unique and special vintage, He keeps you close in His personal winery while also sharing you with the world as an example of the miracle He has done in your life. Sour grapes were crushed into sweet juice in order that delicious wine could be made.

The master vintner, God, wants others to savor the flavor He as produced in us, His new creation.  We now have His power within us. We now have full access to all the riches, in Christ and the power of His Holy Spirit. Consequently, God wants us to offer hope to those still in the process of being gathered, crushed and processed; still struggling to understand what is happening to them. He wants us to comfort the lonely, heal the sick, strengthen the weak, and reveal the light of His love in a dark world. We are God’s most exquisite vintage of eternal wine.

After times of experiencing a spiritual growth spurt or mountaintop experience with God, when have you immediately encountered an obstacle, barrier, or setback? Does knowing these temporary delays often follow times of growth change your perspective on them?

2 MINUTE TESTIMONY/ELEVATOR SPEACH – What is God’s greatest accomplishment in your life? If you were to share your testimony right now, what would you say? What’s the most dramatic change in you thanks to walking with the Lord?

When have you been used by God as a conduit for His power? What was the outcome? How did He use your unique abilities, gifts and talents to reflect His glory?

As we continue to finish this material, take precious moments this week to embrace the truth shared today. God rejoices in where you have come. He is proud of how you have managed to endure the process. He wants to share your glories with others. He boldly declares you have something to offer, that goes beyond your own accomplishments.

Rejoice in the work that God has accomplished, but realize that as we continue to produce fruit and mature in our walk with God, we will have the blessing to be crushed once again to produce an even more exquisite vintage of ourselves,

Jakes, T. D. Crushing: God Turns Pressure into Power. FaithWords, 2019.