
Just like ending a study, retiring from a job and ultimately, living our life; we make decisions,  We make plans, we are giving dreams and opportunities, but when the story is done, it will come back to how we lived life. How we received interactions within this life and how we interacted.  While we are still here and can continue to make decisions, we are reminded to be “intentional”.

click for Study Guide

If this weeks discussion is new to you or you don’t know where to begin, start with peeking at the Study Guide and review the section on Sage. Just click the icon to the right and scroll to Chapter 8 “Sage” on approximately page 129.


Here were the key points from this chapter…


Just like life, or this study, things are challenging. Things will get in our way. We will need to make decisions. Whether we made it through this whole study without stumbling, or if we missed just a couple, or we were just taken out; the question remains the same for all scenarios…

How did we finish…?