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Just the title sounds barbaric in some sense. Like it is a character of some Army Ranger, Navy Seal or maybe of someone from the great battles depicted in Braveheart or 300. This chapter reveals to us the clarity of God’s story, that includes us.

If you have not been traveling along with us up to this point, it is okay. Just click the icon in the upper right and scroll to Chapter 5 “Warrior” on approximately page 67.

A refresher to this point is that there are 6 stages in a man’s life that repeats. Meaning that we can be at any of these stages throughout life, depending on what we are relating to.  In your job you may be a “Sage”, in your current financial or family state, you may be in the “Warrior” stage; and even still if you are challenged to do something new, you may be in the “Boyhood” stage.

Regardless of what stage you can relate to at the current moment, there are biblical truths associated with each stage and we get some truthful revelation on how God can be that father we needed and still need today.

Here were the key points from this chapter…


This week.. on to the “Lover” stage


  • Read “Lover” (Fathered by God, chapter 6)
  • Work through the study guide on Lover (pages 83 – 98)