The Masculine Journey

For many of you reading this message, this material seems real familiar, but that does not mean that we have addressed all the areas of our own masculine journey. I know for me personally, when I went through this study several years ago, I was at a different stage in my life; I was a different man. A lot has happened since that study, and that also means I have the ability to brush up on “me”. If you have not gone through this study or been exposed to much John Eldredge and Ransomed Heart Ministries, I believe you will be blessed.  Below is the first video series we will listen to this week.  But please understand that you will not get the full impact if you don’t also read the material and work the study guide.

Read & Study

Whether you are reading “Fathered by God” or “Way of the Wild Heart”,
now read chapter 1.
After reading the chapter please go through the study guide. There is excellent information there, as well as numerous questions to work through.  Please work your way through section 1 “The Masculine Journey”.



A morning like no other…

What a blessing it is to come alongside authentic men that admit they are not “all that”, and can admit life is not what they dreamed of and definitely not an easy journey.  We sat around the tables with more truth placed before us than imaginable. Realizing, as has been said multiple times, we are more in common than we are different.

As we grasp the reality of the stages of masculinity (boyhood, cowboy, warrior, king & sage), we acknowledge that we go through the stages a variety of times in our life and we can actually be in different stages at the same time, depending on the situation. We can be a sage by sharing with others about our experiences and how things work, yet in the very next moment we can be honest and learn something we have never experienced, just like a young boy.

Journey onward with us. If you missed this week, its okay, jump in and catch up, we are moving on to Session 2, we would love to have you cast your net with us.

Fathered by God