A Kingdom Man Builds a Legacy

Most, if not all, of us are familiar with the Kingdom Man lessons of Dr. Pastor Tony Evans, founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas Texas and founder and president of The Urban Alternative. Pastor Evans has been working several years on the calling that we, as men, are called to a higher calling directly by our Heavenly Father to step up and become “Kingdom Men”.

This morning I would like to take to you about two thoughts that came from Pastor Evans resent daily devotionals. We beg the Pastor’s forgiveness as we have taken some dramatic license with his devotionals. All for the right reason, so we can learn hard lessons. First, when we as men fail to lead, society erodes. Secondly, if we are leading, we are setting up a foundation, a Legacy for those who will come up under us? If not, why?

Who serves as your mentor and supports you as a man, leader, husband, or father?

“Yielding to Jesus will break every form of slavery in any human life.” —Oswald Chambers

A modern parable about children left without leadership, without a strong male mentor.

Adolescent male elephants have been running wild in South Africa, attacking one another, other animals, and humans. Elephant aggression has become a big problem in many parts of the world in recent decades. As scientists have tried to figure out why, they’ve determined that elephant social structure has been destroyed, mostly due to poaching. Elder elephants are missing, especially adult male bulls, which are the favorite targets of poachers.

How have you been held captive? How has Christ set you free?

When the South African park rangers flew in some adult male elephants, they flapped their ears, raised their trunks, and bellowed for days, making it quite clear to the younger bulls who was leader and who was the follower—they restored order. The young bulls got in line and stopped their destruction. Respecting their elders and the seeking out mature mentors was the result.

Where in your domain can you be more present?

The same is true of humans. When men are absent or fail to lead, society erodes. It’s why nearly all the inmates at the prisons Pastor Evans visits came from homes where the father was absent, neglectful, or abusive. It’s why overwhelming percentages of prisoners and high-school dropouts had absent fathers. Society’s problems are not just society’s problems. They are the church’s problems. They are our problems.

To whom in your realm of influence can you bring kingdom freedom?

‘Father! – To God himself we cannot give a holier name.’ – Marmaduke, in William Wordsworth’s The Borderers.

Those of us who participated in the Bible Study we did awhile back on The Kingdom Man by Dr. Pastor Evans, have heard this next story already… but it will bring us to our second point, to leaving a legacy, a Kingdom Legacy.

Pastor Evans goes on to say that he could have been a casualty of men not fulfilling their God-given role to provide leadership and mirror God’s character. His father and mother were in constant conflict. Their home was filled with chaos. Divorce seemed like the only possible outcome. But what his dad modeled for him the year he turned ten forever changed his life. That was the year his dad turned to Jesus. Pastor Evans’s father immediately became fired up about God and the Bible.

His mom didn’t like his dad as a sinner, and she liked him even less as a saint. She did everything she could to knock Pastor Evans dad’s focus off of God and to make him stop loving her. But nothing worked. His dad loved her unconditionally. He was calm, consistent, and caring. Finally one night, she said, “I want what you have because it must be real.”

What foundation did you receive from your father?

The impact a father has on a home, a marriage, and on a church or community cannot be emphasized enough. Pastor Evans father’s impact dramatically altered the trajectory of his life and, as a result, he has impacted countless more people.

Men, you are leaving a legacy. Your choices, attitudes, and actions are shaping lives and impacting destinies. Whether you received brokenness or goodness from your own father, you are a new creation in Christ.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! – 2 Corinthians 5:17

You are able to do all things through Christ’s strength. If you believe that, if you put all your trust and faith in that then you are a Kingdom Man.

I can do all this through him who gives me strength. – Philippians 4:13 NIV

What legacy are you building for those under your influence?

Jesus proclaimed, “He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives”.

the spirit of the lord is upon me, because he anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed, – Luke 4:18 NIV

Men, this begins in our own manhood, in our lives, in our families, and in our communities. A kingdom man finds freedom in Christ and spreads it within his realm.

Closing Prayer

God, bring healing freedom into my life. Make me a source of healing and liberation to those in my domain. Heavenly Father, fill me with Your unconditional love and strength. Build in and through me a legacy that declares and administers Your kingdom. Amen.

Devotionals by Dr. Pastor Tony Evans