The statistics are staggering. According to our friends at Covenant Eyes:

1 in 5 mobile searches are for pornography.
64% of Christian men say they watch porn at least once per month.
56% of divorce cases involved one party having an obsessive interest in pornographic websites.
68% of young adult men and 18% of women use porn at least once every week.

It is apparent that Satan’s front-line attack on the family is through pornography and we are trying to turn the tide. Route1520 is making a difference by ministering weekly to men and women who make up these statistics and who have been impacted by the epidemic of pornography in our culture. Most often, these men and women are alone and isolated, struggling in secret due to the shame that surrounds this struggle. There are men that you know who, right now, still think that they are the only one struggling and who are desperately trying to fix their problem on their own. What they don’t realize is that an intimacy disorder cannot be healed in isolation.

The next EMBARK Men’s Recovery Intensive will be held June 11-14 at Pursell Farms. There is still about 10 slots available and want to make sure you are aware of this great opportunity.

Understand that although a main emphasis of the intensive deals with addiction, the root issues that contribute to and drive addiction are also dealt with in depth; these are issues shared by most men who struggle with sexual brokenness whether or not they would consider themselves an addict or not. Such issues include…

  • Shame
  • Trauma
  • Father Wounds

Talk to any family or friends who you know have been impacted by pornography and help them see the benefit of attending this type of event.

For more information about this event, please visit the Route 1520 Embark website by clicking here for more details: