The Lord is gracious and astounding. He knows when things are difficult and he said that he would not leave us to do this alone. So as we go through cancer treatment with Phil and we deal with Donovan’s recent death, we get given a great resource of truth. Use this opportunity to discover more about biblical truths about the role of pain and death in the Christian life.

In Surprised by Suffering, R.C. Sproul argues that we should expect pain and sorrow in this life. Some are actually called to a “vocation” of suffering, and all of us are called to undergo the ultimate suffering of death. God promises in His Word that difficult times will come upon us, but He also promises that He allows suffering for our good and His glory, and He will never give us more than we can bear with His help.

Surprised by Suffering offers biblical counsel and comfort for those undergoing suffering and for those who minister to the suffering, counsel that can help believers stand in times of trial with faith in a God who is both loving and good.

“It’s a real gift to the church when a seasoned theologian, with insights gained from years of personal experience and biblical study, handles a tough topic like suffering. Here you will find the wisdom of biblical perspective combined with the eternal hope of the gospel leading you to greater rest in your Savior, even in times of trouble. I am thankful for the new edition of this book.”

—Paul David Tripp

Until the end of August, Reformation Trust is giving away the ebook edition of R.C. Sproul’s Surprised by Suffering: The Role of Pain and Death in the Christian Life.

Available in August as a Free Download