Jesus has come and went already. The joy is that He has completed the works for salvation. There is nothing we can do to get more salvation than what is available right now.

The exciting part is that He has come and laid out the plan for us and has now offered us a role to play in the story. He could have easily just commanded all living humans to love and follow him. But he know that would not be an authentic love, but more of an action out of obligation.

The chapter has an interesting question we should really take to heart:

How would you life be different or would you act if Jesus was physically right next to you, by your side?

The challenging part to understand is that we know from scripture that Jesus is not limited to the physical confines of this world. He was raised from the dead, he has ascended. If we truly believe in that notion and we believe Jesus has all authority, then way do we tend to think that we would act differently if he was physically next to us? Do we not believe what he says?

“And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” – Matthew 28:20

If we believe that, why don’t we act like it? That is just the challenge of our existence. This chapter will continue to unfold the new testament with truth and encouragement to challenge our daily thought process.  Don’t just close the book and skip to the next session because you think it is the same old story and you heard it before. I encourage you to spend some time directly in prayer this week reviewing this concept.  Do you live as a true believer in Jesus Christ, and follower of His ways?  There are some great questions in this session that will draw your roots deeper into your relationship with Christ.  Don’t miss the opportunity.

We return to Panera Bread this Saturday and we would love to have you and some friends join us. We hope to see you there!

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If you want to listen to the chapter in MP3 format, grab that here:
MP3 for Part V, Session 2 “The Great Commission”

If you want to read the section in PDF format, grab that here:
PDF for Part V: Session 2 “The Great Commission”

Part V: Session 2 Reading Plan

John 13
John 14
John 15

John 16
John 17

John 18
John 19

John 20
John 21

Matthew 28

Friday Luke 24

This reading plan is outlined on reading plan “Multiply Reading Plan: Francis Chan” This week is Sunday, day 134 – Friday, day 139.

We are continuing our journey through the book Multiply. If you don’t have a copy use, don’t fret, we provide a PDF link each week for you to read, listen and journey with us. For more information about the Multiply Movement, check out their website: