Whether you know it or not, you do make a difference. You make an impact.  There are people around you that you influence, even when you don’t try. There are people in your life that watch you. There are people that are not sure about you or your actions.

RecoveryGodsPlan-sIn the end, when it is all said and done. What will be said? Will it be about your loving nature? Your competitive nature? Your attention to detail? Or is it your jokes? Your seriousness? What is it that makes you unique to you?

As our days go by we cannot get them back. As hard as we try to make every day be a grand day with awesome events, and memories to be cherished by many, we often fail.  It is those times in between the triumphs that are often remembered by so many.

How do you handle the difficult times? What is your spirit producing in the dry seasons?  Are you a person that your friends want around in difficult and hard times? Are you that friend you wished you had? Would your friends think of you first at 3am when anxiety hits and they don’t know what to do?

As the song says, Lord, teach us to count our days, and make our days count.  It is highly unlikely that we will be famous when it is all done, but it is very likely that you will make an impact on others lives. Let be in a positive way.

BruceKoeserI write this because I received an anonymous letter from a man that was just sharing how much he loved and cherished his friend Bruce Koeser in Florida. I never met either one of these men, but you know what. The letter from Dimitri, was heart felt. He shared how much Bruce did for so many people. How Bruce has impacted his own life and how much better the world was because Bruce spend some time with so many people.

BruceKoeser2I tried finding a picture of Bruce on the internet and I think I got the little one above, but even when I went to his Facebook page, it was filled with pictures of family, and even a beautiful, servant picture of him walking into the water to baptize a little girl. What better way to be be remembered.

How will you be remember? I pray it will be with a servant’s heart!