As easy as it is to be strong and independent, it is not healthy. We strive to create a manly identity where we do not need to depend on anybody. We get down-right proud of how much we have gone through without asking any of our friends for help. I know, I have done it. Time and time again.
We might want to take a real look at how we spend our time. We know it is a precious gift, but are we really using our time wisely. Not bothering people might seem like the right thing to do, but we most likely are not using our time wisely. We will get more out of life engaging with others and they will get more out of us. Hence, making the most out of our lives. Yes, isolating can protect us from turmoil, stress and anxiety of others, but it also limits our experiences in this life.
This week in chapter four we begin the concept of how we plug into the bigger picture of multiplying. We have to break the concept that it will just be a couple of us doing this discipleship thing. The times of Paul, Silas and Timothy wandering around and doing the best they could is long gone.

Here is the video clip for Chapter 4….

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