Well, at this part of the journey we begin to get some feelings about the study. We really start to get some ideas about Francis Chan.  As men we tend to not want to get involved with other people. After all, they are just going to want to consume more of our valuable time, and we have enough going on already.

Many times when we get to sections like this, we read the questions and then continue reading. Hoping to get to the next question that we can probably answer better. Or we get the idea to discredit the idea of even thinking about such things. The enemy rushes right in and adds to the doubt, disgust and distraction. This is not the bible, why are we not just continuing the reading of another book in the bible?

Watch this video clip for this week. It is powerful.  We have to get to the point where we realize the real challenge in this chapter, get involved with other people. Really start living the life of following Jesus.


We can easily just run away and come up with excuses to not answer the questions and take this study seriously. I want to challenge you to read through it. Stop and ponder, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to come into your presence, to have his way with you. The flashlight has been turned on and pointed into the nooks and crannies of our life. To areas that may not have been exposed before, or things we were in denial about. Let the light of the truth shine. Allow yourself to journey with him into the next chapter of your life.
If you need some more encouragement, details and insights, please go to the Multiply Movement Blog entries by clicking here